"We who embrace the One God, the One Spirit within All".
Temple Amen Amakhu is a spiritual ancestral community, founded on the wisdom of ancient Nubia and Kemet. These Nile Valley cultures which years ago- began tens of thousands of years ago or more; are deeply rooted in the understanding that as human beings we can grow, transform and transcend through the cultivation of one's Spirit. The Fall of 1995 marked the beginning of such a journey with a handful of individuals, who would later be selected for the Priesthood of Temple Amen Amakhu. There is no charge to be trained as a priest. However, service to humanity is expected during and after training. Founder and Chief Priestess- Shekhem-t Ausar-t Un Metu Neter, who holds a dual Master’s Degree in counseling and substance abuse and who also is a holistic practitioner, determined (under the guidance of the ancestors) that 2011 would be the year to formally incorporate Temple Amen Amakhu in the State of Oklahoma. Several graduates of the priesthood, live in the United States and other countries. They continue to live the doctrine of- 'The Way of Life of our Ancient Ancestors', those who have gone before us.
The fundamental concepts of Amen Amakhu are that, we are a composite of Spirit, Mind and Body. Starting with the foundation of Body; which is the holy temple- if kept healthy and strong, we can keep our consciousness open, connect with and hear the voice of the One God. On the Mind level; it is about cultivating a code of conduct which nurtures right thoughts and ideas, right words and right actions towards self and others and transcending negative emotions. On the Spirit level, it is about purging the vices which block our path to becoming more Divine.
To meet the above stated principles, the following concepts are embraced and sought to be lived by-:
Why A Black Genocide Memorial Day?
Genocide has been a part of human history for thousands of years. Genocide is not a new phenomenon. Genocide according to the International Convention for the Prevention and Intervention of Genocide, is not only the outright killing of members of a group. It is also the systematic, orchestrated agendas/conditions to bring about the destruction in part or whole to various ethnicities around the globe; to causing mental or bodily harm to the members of a group; to imposing measures intended to prevent births within a group; to forcibly transporting or removing children of a group to another group. Every rational being would agree that, the actions expressed in above definition goes against man and God. Yet, it continues even to this day.
In studying the long history and impact of genocide across the world upon various ethnic groups; it was determined that the original people of creation the Homo Sapiens- the Black Man and Woman, who are the original root of all humanity is the group which has suffered and continues to be the focus of systematic genocide. We cannot change the events of the past, but we must make vigorous, consistent and meaningful action to stop genocidal behaviors towards all of humanity.
Globally, a great many historians and scholars agree that, the Atlantic Slave Trade of 400 years ago (1619) was the greatest genocide/tragedy to befall mankind. This is now an established fact. Yet, there has never been any collective memorial for our ancestors who were so brutally destroyed. The Priesthood of Temple Amen Amakhu wants to change this grave omission. The descendants of the enslavement holocaust of 1619; continue to suffer in varying ways from the aftermath of this event, in all the ways defined by the International Convention for the Prevention and Intervention of Genocide.
We believe that, the false construct of race is a major part of this ongoing decision to destroy the root (Black people) of humanity. All credible social scientists have debunked the concept of race, as a falsehood. It has also been proven archeologically, anthropologically and through genetic science; that all human beings no matter color of skin, kink of hair, color of eyes or otherwise, came from Alkebulan (Africa) - "Mother of All Humanity". There is only One Human Root Race with many branches. This Great Mother Root gave birth thousands of years ago to the Nile Valley Civilization (Nubia, Kemet, Ethiopia), Yin and Shang Dynasties of China, Dravidian cultures of India, Kumer culture of Vietnam, Mon Culture of Thailand; as well as the ancient cultures of South America, Japan, Hawaii, Cambodia, Indonesia and Europe. These are the giants upon whose shoulders we stand.
The Priesthood of Temple Amen Amakhu believes that, by honoring those who were destroyed in and through the Middle Passage and by discontinuing the systematic destruction of their descendants, through these actions all of humanity can be saved.... If the Root of All Humanity perishes, all of its branches will perish too!
On Sunday, June 9, 2024.... we shall once again call on the world community to pour libations; say prayers, offer litany and pay homage to all; who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their life- so that we could all have continuity, those upon whose shoulders we stand. We will call the names of those who we know and honor those whose names we do not know.
Therefore, it is the Purpose of the Priesthood and its Supporters- to be willing to make the necessary sacrifice, to be steadfast in establishing a world based on Love, Peace, Unity, Acceptance and Justice- as it was intended by the One God (regardless of religion, class or ethnicity) to stop the Genocide. Surely it could never have been the intention of our Divine Father and Mother;, that we should be birthed into the world, simply to destroy ourselves.
Amen Amen-t-
In 1987 Rebecca Cann, a geneticist and several other colleagues discovered the missing link for the entire human family. She found the Mother of us all - the greatest Grand Muma that ever lived on planet Earth. Cann had mapped the genome sequencing of the entire human family.
Now called "Mitochondrial Eve" this Bantu woman is recognized as the singular female along with her seven daughters through whom all genes and blood lines in the Human Kingdom hail.
Click on links.
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100817122405.htm https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/real-eve/
Short version, we are all related and our Mother was of Bantu origin some 200,000 years ago. Oh, yes in the big scheme of things we were birthed just yesterday. The Homo Sapiens as the original root from which we came expanded and spread across the world carrying the genomic blueprint that makes us One global family even to this day. There is only One Human Race, One Human Family and One Human Ancestry. The various phenotypes (hair, skin color, facial shapes) are secondary and cannot alter the fact that we originate from One source, One root.
The root was black in skin color to accommodate environmental conditions (intense sun) and changed externally when we moved to cooler climates - black skin color became brown, red, yellow and white to survive, but the internal root stayed the same Bantu, Sub Saharan Black.
Carl Linnaeus got it so very wrong when he classified us into four different races. This falsehood is at the core of genocide, racism. apartheid, Jim Crow, classism and many other degenerative systems that are destroying our One Family.
We believed the untruth of many races and not the truth of One race or One Family. Charles Darwin got it right in his book "On the Origin of Species In 1859; that evolution is the process by which organisms change over time, as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits". Is this not what humanity was doing to survive over tens of thousands of years. Truly we are out of One, many people with varying adaptations. Is not the butterfly still a caterpillar, fundamentally?
Social Scientists and the Concept of Race.
Over the centuries, race has been used to separate and divide us. It unites small groups of people; but with approximately 8 billion of us on the planet, most believe that we are all different and separate races. Nothing is further from the truth. We have different cultures, clans and nations- but we are connected as One Root to our original ancestors.
Click on the links below and find out what social scientists are saying about this race confusion.
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