The Migrations of the Ancient Human Family
Alkebulan (African) Civilizations outside of Alkebulan
Ancient Alkebulan (African) Civilization
Enslavement Narrative
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Post Slavery.
Humanity has been confused about being one connected family in the context of the place and role we all play on planet Earth. If there is only one Atef-Mut/Mut-Atef Neter(God), there is only one human family. Thanks to Carl von Linnaeus, we have all believed race was true. Race is a construct to benefit the few. There was no such belief before Linnaeus’ separation of humanity according to skin color.
Human Migrations
Human migration denotes any movement of groups of people from one locality to another, rather than of individual wanderers.
Let’s look at the different migrations out of Alkebulan (Africa):
Migration out of Alkebulan (Africa): Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus (HE) (Human Standing Erect) was said to have migrated out of Alkebulan (Africa) around 1.9 million years ago into what is now called Southeast Asia, India, Australia and the Pacific Islands. The HE Ancestors lived from about two million years ago to two hundred thousand years ago, before their extinction. They are our longest living Ancestors during the ancient time.
Migration out of Alkebulan (Africa): Homo Sapiens
Homo Sapiens (HS) (Thinking Humans). The HS evolved about 200,000 to 300,000 years ago. The migration out of Alkebulan (Africa) was 70,000 to 100,000 years ago. The HS migration was in parts of Asia and Europe. It was said that, HS reached the Australian continent in canoes sometime between 35,000 and 65,000 years ago.
African Civilizations Outside of Alkebulan (Africa)
The migrations of the Homo Sapiens, outside of Alkebulan (Africa), crossed into other countries such as China, Japan, Europe, Australia, India, etc. Please see link::
An explanation from D. Runoko Rashidi on the Alkebulanites in Asia. Professor Kaba H. Kamene has done a great job of research on this subject matter:
Brief lecture from Dr. Ivan Van Sertima on the Olmec Civilization:
Ancient Alkebulan (Africa) Civilization:
Being a part of a spiritual community has enabled my person to understand the spiritual connection with all things. This was the way of our Ancient Ancestors. There was no separation from spirituality and everyday life. They are one and the same; interconnected and interdependent.
We have been made to believe that Kemet (Egypt) is one of the oldest areas, but Nubia has been so conveniently left out of World History. We are unaware of the making and influence of Nubia (Mother) of Kemet (Egypt).
A YouTube link has been provided with Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan: Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan’s book, “Black Man Of The Nile And His Family” will make for a good read in understanding, on a deeper level, The Root Race place in Ancient History.
In Cheikh Anta Diop’s research found in R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz in his book, “Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy’ states (page 86) it can be understood that the ancients considered their prehistory to go back 36,620 years before the Menes.” This shows, as Dr. Ben-Jochannan stated in linked lecture above, that Nubia was the Mother of Kemet (Egypt).
Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene stated, “The Life History of the Human family can only be understood when the continent of Alkebulan (Africa) is recognized as humanity’s place of origin, cultural development and point of departure to other places on our planet. These early peoples of Alkebulan (African) descent brought their science, technology and skills with them wherever they traveled.”
Post Slavery:
When our enslaved ancestors were freed in the Caribbean, America, Alkebulan (Africa-decolonization) more covert type of slavery was introduced. The chains and decolonization were replaced with Jim Crow Laws, Sterilization of the Melanated Female, Drugs, Prison Industrial Complex (13th Amendment),
Slavery has been expanded to include others of the human family. In truth; the other family members were always included, but on a low-key scale. Kept out of the media in order to criminalize the “Root.” Truth is now deeply grounded globally and exposing all crimes against humanity.
Click on the linked sites below to view the different types of slavery being imposed on the Human Family today:
As the Human Family; observing the world as it is, shows we have not learned from the past. In fact, slavery is now considered on a high-tech realm of sophistication. There is an All-out war on humanity and it has been for many years.
Human Family, we must arm ourselves with the Ancient Spiritual knowledge and way to cease and desist what is being done to us as a people. Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
Wake up, Human Family. We have been bamboozled by the few!
We Are One Human Family. Michael Jackson had it right:
Om Shrim (unconditional love).
Before the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade; Alkebulanites (Africans) were in the New World (The Americas), long before Christopher Columbus was born. Please see the YouTube link below of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima on his book; “They Came Before Columbus” published in 1976. Dr. Van Sertima meticulously researched and studied information to prove the above statement. There were many naysayers, nothing new under the sun, that came at him after publication of the book.
The book, “The First Americans were Africans” is a recent book published in 2011 by Dr. David Imhotep. Dr. Imhotep is the first person in the world to hold a Ph.D. with a specialization in Ancient African History. YouTube link for review:
The Moors enriched the lives of the African Europeans, in Spain, when that area was conquered from 711 AD to 1492 AD. See attached link on accomplishments of the Moors. There are many that could not believe that people from Alkebulan (Africa) had the brilliance in mind from the so-called “Dark” Continent. The high intelligence and genius of the Moors to place that region on the World map. As stated earlier, many will die in their ignorance due to holding on to hatred of a people. What is not understood, by those unaware, we are all the same people. The Human Family.
We must go back and fetch (Sankofa) our Ancient Alkebulan ways of life; bring them forth to present day living, in order to empower ourselves to free these earthen vessels to do the work we promised Atef-Mut/Mut-Atef Neter(God) we would do. Until the work is done, nothing changes for humanity.
Humanity must once again activate the Virtues and Laws of the Deity, Maat. There are 42 laws. We must live the laws each moment of the day. Knowing the virtues and laws is not living them. Knowing and living are two separate things.
During the Ancient times; the virtues of Truth, Justice and Order were vibrating in the Kosmic Universe. For things to change, we must go back to the Ancient Way of living and carry forward to present day. Without the Ancient Ancestors and humanity not honoring them, we are doomed as the Human Family.
The entire human family has been lied to about the TRUTH of World History. Ancient Alkebulan (Africa) has always been the missing element of World History.
There is not one place the Alkebulan (African) has not been on planet earth. There are many suffering from insecurity, fragility and a deep state of confusion. Living TRUTH will liberate the human family from falsehood, ignorance, illness and lies.
Melanated people have always been the trendsetters of the world. Others have stolen, copied or appropriated, never giving credit where credit is due.
Enslavement Narrative:
The Arabs slave trade started long before the African Europeans slave trade:
Before the slave trading Alkebulan (Africa) had been doing trading with the Portuguese, Europeans, etc. for centuries. This arrangement was lucrative for all. The thought of greed has always changed a workable system that works for all. Passage)
Many original people will not digest some of the areas that will be touched on under the title of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. If one goes inward, deeply, and quiet the mind, one will see that enslavement had to have started with the melanated people. Melanated people… First people on planet earth.
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
The book, “PreColonial Black (Alkebulan) Africa”, written by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, has shown that Alkebulan people were the first slave owners. Not in the sense on how heinous it was done through the African Europeans, but still slavery. Atef-Mut/Mut-Atef Neter(God) creation was not to be held as slaves. We all entered planet earth with “Free Will.” Who gave anyone dominion over other humans? It’s like saying, “I just told a small lie.” When you look deeply; within, a lie is a lie- big or small.,7402,.shtml
When you look at the continent of Alkebulan (Africa), there was no way for that small group of African Europeans to enslave our Ancestors. They would have needed inside help in order to accomplish such a great task. Please do not get this wrong. This does not excuse the oppression, brutality, exploitation, rape, pillaging, stealing and all the other horrible things done to our Ancestors by the African Europeans. Slavery is wrong in any form. Small or large. There must be global healing now for the survival of the Human Family. We have all suffered at the hands of “GREED, CONTROL and DOMINANCE over the ROOTS of the tree. What was not realized then or now…. kill the root, the tree and its branches will ALL die!;jsessionid=f8302863471570527986665?migration=1&bhcp=1
More than 12 million enslaved Ancestors were traded during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. More than two (2) million perished through disease, starvation and suicide. It was stated that most were traded into the Caribbean (48%), South America (Brazil) (41%) and America (5%). Included in the link below, are the top 10 Alkebulan (Africa) Tribes taken:
According to Dr. John Henrik Clarke from his book entitled, “Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust (page 86),” “The slaves never accepted their condition passively. In his book, American Negro Slave Revolts, Dr. Herbert Aptheker records 250 slave revolts.
There were other slave revolts in the Caribbean for their freedom:
This is one of many hidden atrocities never seen in a history book about slavery. In 1808 Congress ended the nation’s International Slave Trade. This move created more heinous crimes to be committed on an enslaved people. Slave Breeding Farms were created to produce more bodies to be sold to the South. William Spivey, shared an Excerpt piece from Birthing a Slave: Motherhood and Medicine in the Antebellum South by Marie Jenkins Schwartz. Published by Harvard University Press. Please read:
More information shared by Mr. Spivey:
A short clip from Hidden Colors 4 Series by Tariq Nasheed:
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